Posts by Ora Smith

Thomas Savage

Did My English Ancestor Marry a Native American in the 1600s?

Ora Smith | January 29, 2023

Have you ever had a coincidence happen where you wondered if it were more than mere chance? Was the event a happy accident or did God have a hand in it? I’ve decided to write about a recent “coincidence” even…..

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Were Your Ancestors Immigrants?

Ora Smith | September 29, 2022

In the 1930s, Marcus Lee Hansen conducted research on the history of immigration to the United States. He was posthumously awarded the 1941 Pulitzer Prize for History for The Atlantic Migration, 1607–1860: A History of the Continuing Settlement of the…..

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Do You Know Who You Are?

Ora Smith | September 29, 2022

Silly question. Of course, you do. The question reminds me of a book I had as a child called Are You My Mother by P.D. Eastman. A bird hatches from his egg without Mama Bird in the nest, so he…..

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How Many Ethnicities Do You Think You Have in your DNA?

Ora Smith | September 29, 2022

I’ve been to 48 states and always find that North Carolina has the friendliest people. A recent visit was no exception when I met many members of who I think are my African-American side of the family. White Oak River…..

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Nature or Nurture? How About Both – Epigenetics

Ora Smith | September 29, 2022

The science of epigenetics fascinates me. I studied and wrote on the subject in my book Unacknowledged. Epigenetics is the idea that the trauma your ancestor(s) experienced could have changed their genes, and those genes were passed down to you……

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Visiting Your Ancestral Homeland

Ora Smith | September 29, 2022

If when you have your DNA tested for ethnicity and you find where your ancestors were from (or if you already know), does this make you want to travel there? It does me. There’s an intriguing phenomenon of feeling at…..

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