Keeping organized records will be a great benefit as you research your ancestors. I use family history software for my family tree records. For my old photographs and documents, I scan and keep them in media files within folders labeled with surnames they pertain to. All surname folders are within an overall folder called “Family History.” I also attach some photos and documents to family members in my family tree software. As is true of audio and video clips of ancestors.
Family History Software
Family tree software will not only help with the organization but will give you a database where you can keep notes and document sources. Why not just use, you may ask? Cost, for one. Here’s a list of why I like my own family tree software:
- Keeping records of living people. (These should be hidden on except to the contributor of the information)
- Unproven individuals you are still researching.
- Families you may be in the process of working on documenting, but not yet willing to share publicly
- Private information or personal notes
- Genetic medical conditions documentation
- DNA genealogy you feel is private
- Advanced searches in your database. For example, you can select names to research in a specific place or find all people in your database buried in a certain cemetery.
- Multiple databases can be kept in your software. For example, a Personal Family Tree, Spouses Family Tree, Possible Related Families, Shared Family Trees from someone else (to be verified), and Adopted vs Biological Family Trees
- You can attach photographs, sound clips, video clips, and documents. (You can do some of these on
- Research Documentation Capabilities (verified and unverified records)
- Notes Feature (has more space than
- Printing Options – You can create and print many different reports, including research questions. You can print pedigrees, family group records, and many other charts and reports to share at a family reunion, or with other researchers. These can be shared electronically or on paper.
None of these reasons need stop you from also having your tree on I use both. By using, I can find relatives more readily and also share my relatives’ records with others.
What Family Tree Software is the Best?
There are many family history software options available. Each has its particular pros and cons and I would suggest investigating each of them before making a purchase. For instance, not all software companies sell for both Mac and WindowsPC, or for tablets, or have apps for SmartPhones.
The 5 most popular family tree software:
- Family Tree Maker
- Roots Magic
- Legacy Family Tree
- MyHeritage Family Tree Builder
- Reunion for Mac
Free Family History Software
Ancestral Quest and RootsMagic (and possibly others) have a free basic version you can download, which is a great way to discover if its functions are what you’re looking for.
I’m not trying to sell you on any of them. The best choice for you often depends on personal preference and needs.
Collaboration Features (some software)
You can work on the same files with other researchers or family members, or share between your different devices (i.e., laptop and tablet). Changes made by one collaborator (say, your sister) can be seen by other collaborators (perhaps yourself). You can save your database to a server or cloud with some software products, which ensures not losing your information in the event of a hard drive failure, loss of computer, etc.
Using a GEDCOM (.ged) File
All family history software, whether Mac or PC, can share amongst each other with a type of file that is called a GEDCOM (.ged stands for Genealogical Exchange Data)
Personal software enables you to choose what, how, and when to share by creating and sharing GEDCOM files.
To create a .ged, you will use your Export functions. To add a .ged into your database, you will use your Import functions. Follow your software guidelines to Import/Export a .ged
You can share your database, or part of your database, by creating a .ged.
Share by:
- .ged on Flash/Thumb Drive
- Email .ged attachment
- Personal Blog
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- website: (use .ged to create initial Family Tree)
- website: most any family tree sites that accept DNA reports
I hope this information helps you with organizing your family history! If you have an questions, just leave a comment and I’ll try and answer.